Things to do in Mississippi and all points in between.

New postings

Below are some more ideas and plans that you can do.

  • January 2025 Additions
  • 2025 is here! YOU, why not YOU plan a club ride.
  • There is a group called the MOTORCYCLE TOURERS FORUM that makes rides throughout the year and all are invited. Laurissa and I normally make a ride or 2 with them every year.
  • BMW Motorcycle Owners of America is another group that sponsors rides.
  • Both of these groups work the same: they pick an area and hotel, then they block rooms and have dinner meals planned. You can ride to the location by yourself or if a friend is also going ya’ll can ride together. See my list below.
  • David Pell wants to make a Heart of the West ride in 2025. This is like a BDR and starts in Colorado. David has a truck and trailer and is more than willing to transport your bike. For more info contact him.
  • Ricky is another BDR enthusiast and pointed out a new BDR route that starts in Florida and is about 1300 miles long.
  • Dan Stubblefield, Richard Palmer and Alan are going to a supercross race in Birmingham for the March 22 race.
  • Here is a list of rides that Alan and Laurissa are making this year and you are invited to ride along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • -Moonshine, IL April 25,26 MTF event The Motorcycle Tourer’s Forum (
  •      -MOA Rally in Lebanon, TN June 18,19,20,21 BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (
  • – Pipestem, WV August 15,16,17 and is an MOA event
  • – Russellville, AR Sept,22,23,24,25 an MTF event
  • – Helen, GA October 3,4,5 an MOA event
  • Grand Bay National Estuarine Research reserve in Grand Bay, SW Mississippi. It is 18,000 acres of pine savannas, salt marshes, bays and bayous. It has walking trails and is a very interesting place to visit. 
  • Barber also has events all during the year, check their website.
  • Christmas Eve Bonfire on the Levee, LaPlace, LA. Christmas Eve every year. Fantastic time.
  • BMW MOA 2025 Rally will be in Lebanon, TN.  YOU NEED TO GO!!!
  • There is a fun long distance ride made just for people like Bobby Brooks called the Great River Road ride. This road starts in Lake Itasca, Minnesota and follows the MS river all the way to New Orleans. By the way we have made this ride but not in one trip it was a combo of different trips that we made but we have been from start to the end and there is a lot to see. Others in our club have made this ride as well.   
  • There is a Web page named “Only in your State” that can be used as a guide for finding things to do.
  • Everyone is challenged to join the MOA so they will get the monthly magazine (it will come by e-mail unless you request a paper copy.) This publication has lots of great info including places to ride and things to do. BMWMOA link 
  •  BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (
  • There are always MOA events scattered around the country. Check their webpage or the MOA magazine.
  • Ricky Hill The MTF The Motorcycle Tourer’s Forum ( will have their rides and events for 2025 posted soon. Places like Elkins, WV and Williamsport, PA. They have several duel sports rides to choose from.   
  • Alan has some left over courthouse decal/stickers)  and wants to get rid of them. This is how to get them. To get one just ride all 82 Mississippi counties in 1 year. To prove it just submit a photo of your bike with the county court house  (must be able to read the county) in it. Obviously this is to give you ideas when you are trying to decide where to go on a day ride.   
  • The Mississippi Blues trail is another quest we are doing and we have stickers for these as well.
  • November additions
  • Greenwood has the largest Christmas Parade in MS every year. This year it is on Sunday 12-8-24 at 2:30:pm here is the link for more info.
  • On the other end of the state on Saturday 12-7-24, Moss Point has a Christmas parade at 1:pm. Then that night at 5:30 PM they will have Christmas on the River. This is a parade of boats decorated with lights cruising along the river. You can spend a great day viewing the car show and other fun things.       
  • Grand Bay National Estuarine Research reserve in Grand Bay, SW Mississippi. It is 18,000 acres of pine savannas, salt marshes, bays and bayous. It has walking trails and is a very interesting place to visit. 
  • Barber also has events all during the year, check their website.
  • Christmas Eve Bonfire on the Levee, LaPlace, LA. Christmas Eve every year. Fantastic time.
  • BMW MOA 2025 Rally will be in Lebanon, TN.  
  • The first Saturday of December is The Ride to Eldridge, AL to the charity event at Eldridge Children’s Home.  Hundreds of bikers make it each year.
  • There is a long distance ride made just for people like Bobby Brooks called the Great River Road ride. This road starts in Lake Itasca, Minnesota and follows the MS river all the way to New Orleans. By the way we have made this ride but not in one trip it was a combo of different trips that we made but we have been from start to the end. 
  • There is a Web page named “Only in your State” that can be used as a guide for finding things to do.
  • Everyone is challenged to join the MOA so they will get the monthly magazine (it will come by e-mail unless you request a paper copy.) This publication has lots of great info including places to ride and things to do. BMWMOA link   BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (
  • There are always MOA events scattered around the country. Check their webpage or the MOA magazine.
  • The MTF The Motorcycle Tourer’s Forum ( also have their rides and events for 2024 posted. Places like Elkins, WV and Williamsport, PA.  
  • Alan has some left over courthouse decal/stickers)  and wants to get rid of them. This is how to get them. To get one just ride all 82 Mississippi counties in 1 year. To prove it just submit a photo of your bike with the county court house  (must be able to read the county) in it. Obviously this is to give you ideas when you are trying to decide where to go on a day ride.   
  • The Mississippi Blues trail is another quest we are doing and we have stickers for these as well.

  • Nov 1, 2024 the 20th annual Live Steam Festival in Meridian. It you like old stuff and the history of steam power this is for you.    
  • Grand Bay National Estuarine Research reserve in Grand Bay, SW Mississippi. It is 18,000 acres of pine savannas, salt marshes, bays and bayous. It has walking trails and is a very interesting place to visit. 
  • Barber also has events all during the year, check their website.
  • Christmas Eve Bonfire on the Levee, LaPlace, LA. Christmas Eve every year. Fantastic time.
  • BMW MOA 2025 Rally will be in Lebanon, TN.  
  • The first Saturday of December is The Ride to Eldridge, AL to the charity event at Eldridge Children’s Home.  Hundreds of bikers make it each year.
  • There is a long distance ride made just for people like Bobby Brooks called the Great River Road ride. This road starts in Lake Itasca, Minnesota and follows the MS river all the way to New Orleans. By the way we have made this ride but not in one trip it was a combo of different trips that we made but we have been from start to the end. 
  • There is a Web page named “Only in your State” that can be used as a guide for finding things to do.
  • Everyone is challenged to join the MOA so they will get the monthly magazine (it will come by e-mail unless you request a paper copy.) This publication has lots of great info including places to ride and things to do. BMWMOA link   BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (
  • There are always MOA events scattered around the country. Check their webpage or the MOA magazine.
  • The MTF The Motorcycle Tourer’s Forum ( also have their rides and events for 2024 posted. Places like Elkins, WV and Williamsport, PA.  
  • Alan has some left over courthouse decal/stickers)  and wants to get rid of them. This is how to get them. To get one just ride all 82 Mississippi counties in 1 year. To prove it just submit a photo of your bike with the county court house  (must be able to read the county) in it. Obviously this is to give you ideas when you are trying to decide where to go on a day ride.   
  • The Mississippi Blues trail is another quest we are doing and we have stickers for these as well.

           For info on any of these e-mail Alan at

  • Alan is asking for more ideas of fun rides or weekend trips we can make.

Plans and Hopes

  • In the past we have discussed having a fall club event at Steve and Pattie’s homestead in Biloxi. We set the date for October 5, 2024 and voted to change the October meeting to this date. This will be a shrimp boil hosted by Steve and Pattie and the club will cover all expenses. The reason for the change was because Barber Motorsports Vintage Festival is this weekend and BMW Motorrad is once again having their Motorrad Days Americas there. This is a must attend event and the dates are October 11,12,13, 2024.       
  • Our July 13, 2024 Meeting will be in Starkville at Bulldog Burger, 702 University Drive. As always at 11:30.
  • The Gulf South BMW club is having a campout on November 1,2, and 3, 2024 and we are invited. This event will be at Bayou Wilderness Campground, 600 N Wilderness Trail. Carencro LA. For more info go to their web page or ask Steve, he is a member of that club as well. They have always hosted good events and I would be going but have that weekend set aside to spend time with my family in Pensacola.   

Just in case you wondered you are still on the event committee. Alan heads it up, but you make it work.

Below are some more ideas and plans that you can do.

  • Grand Bay National Estuarine Research reserve in Grand Bay, SW Mississippi. It is 18,000 acres of pine savannas salt marshes, bays and bayous. It has walking tails and is a very interesting place to visit. 
  • Barber Vintage Festival in Birmingham AL is A MUST DO in October every year and once again BMW is going to be a sponsor. The dates for 2024 are Oct 11,12,13 and a must do event.
  • Barber also has events all during the year, check their website.
  • Cruising the Coast is also in October.
  • Christmas Eve Bon Fire on the Levee, LaPlace, LA. Christmas Eve every year. Fantastic time.
  • BMW MOA 2025 Rally will be in Lebanon TN.  
  • The first Saturday of December is the  Ride to Eldridge, AL to the charity event at Eldridge Children’s home. Thousands of bikers make it each year.
  • There is a long distance ride made just for people like Bobby Brooks called the Great River Road ride. This road starts in Lake Itasca, Minnesota and follows the MS river all the way to New Orleans. By the way we have made this ride but not in one trip it was a combo of different trips that we made but we have been from start to the end. 
  • There is a Web page named “Only in your State” that can be used as a guide for finding things to do.
  • Everyone is challenged to join the MOA so they will get the monthly magazine (it will come by e-mail unless you request a paper copy.) This publication has lots of great info including places to ride and things to do. BMWMOA link   BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (
  • There are always MOA events in scattered around the country. Check their webpage or the MOA magazine.
  • The MTF The Motorcycle Tourer’s Forum ( also have their rides and events for 2024 posted. Places like Elkins, WV and Williamsport, PA.
  • We are planning another cookout this year in August that will be club sponsored.
  • Alan has some left over courthouse decal/stickers)  and wants to get rid of them. This is how to get them. To get one just ride all 82 Mississippi counties in 1 year. To prove it just submit a photo of your bike with the county court house  (must be able to read the county) in it. Obviously this is to give you ideas when you are trying to decide where to go on a day ride.   
  • The Mississippi Blues trail is another quest we are doing and we have stickers for these as well.

           For info on any of these e-mail Alan at

  • Alan is asking for more ideas of fun rides or weekend trips we can make.

Some definite rides that we have planned:

April 20 Alan will lead a ride to the Angola Prison Rodeo. KSU at 7:am with a ETA of 10 PM so we can shop the crafts and exhibits, eat a Cajun lunch and goof off until the rodeo starts at 1:pm. This event is normally a sell out and the seats are assigned. You obviously do not have to ride with the group but if you want to go and sit together you must let Alan know so he can buy the tickets and you must pay him back. You will not be disappointed!!

April 26 and 27 ride to eat at Casey, IL to get a moonburger. Ride up on the 26th and eat dinner at Richard’s farm, 6:00 pm. On Sat the 27th ride about 10 miles to Moonshine to get a moonburger and then head home. The ride is about 550 miles.  

May is for our Arkansas ride, date and Hotel to be determined, but will be made at our Feb meeting. Day 1 ride to Russelville AR to the hotel we decide on. Day 2 and 3 ride the great roads of your choice in the great state of Arkansas. Day 4 ride home. Check out the Arkansas Motorcycle tourers guide for ride ideas. Cindy has found a waterfall tour that you can use to plan a plan a day of riding the curvy roads and visiting 12 or so waterfalls. Again let the WEB be your friend.

NOTICE everyone has a different riding style and for this reason the only planned “ group rides” will be the ones you plan.  You will need to contact a riding buddy. We will meet up for supper and then back at the hotel for some ride reports.   

Here are some ideas and plans you can do.

Grand Bay National Estuarine Research reserve in Grand Bay, SW Mississippi. It is 18,000 acres of pine savannas salt marshes,bays and bayous. It has walking tails and is a very interesting place to visit. 

Barber Vintage Festival in Birmingham AL. A MUST DO in October every year.

Barber also has events all during the year, check their website.

Cruising the Coast is also in October.

Christmas Eve Bon Fire on the Levee, LaPlace, LA. Christmas Eve every year. Fantastic time.

BMWMOA Rally 2024 in Redmond, Oregon. Just a short 2,200 miles from MS. 

December 1st Saturday every year Ride to Eldridge, AL to the charity event at Eldridge Children’s home. Thousands of bikers make it each year.

NOTICE THE LAST CHANCE RIDE 4-8-2024 read up and make plans!

Steve Harrison is an astronomy buff and gave us a heads up about a total solar eclipse on 4-8-24. Tommy chimed in and said that for some it could be their last chance. Then a voice from the back shouted make it the Last Chance Ride. It was born. Now in case you don’t know, a total solar eclipse means it goes dark!! Different regions of the world have certain areas that are best for viewing. Parts of Arkansas are best for us. Steve has this really nice electronic telescope and he is going to Greers Lake, AR and set up at Devil’s Fork recreation area. He has invited all of us to come view it with him. The best viewing time is about 9:00 am. I am planning to go but be forewarned GET YOUR HOTEL NOW, they are going fast.     

There is a Web page named “Only in your State” that can be used as a guide for finding things to do.

Everyone is challenged to join the MOA so they will get the monthly magazine (it will come by e-mail unless you request a paper copy.) This publication has lots of great info including places to ride and things to do. BMWMOA link   BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (

Notice Alan said there are several MOA events in 2024 like a ride to Kerrville, TX in  April 2024  (Twisted Sisters), with another MOA weekend getaway in April 2024 to Fontana Dam (Tail of the Dragon area)

There is a MOA April 6 Saturday RTE  that also has an Eagle watching boat tour.                (Laurissa and I did this in 2023 and it was good.)

The MTF The Motorcycle Tourer’s Forum ( also have their rides and events for 2024 posted. Places like Elkins, WV and Williamsport, PA.

We are planning another cookout this year probably in October that will be club sponsored.

Alan has some left over courthouse decal/stickers)  and wants to get rid of them. This is how to get them. To get one just ride all 82 Mississippi counties in 1 year. To prove it just submit a photo of your bike with the county court house  (must be able to read the county) in it. Obviously this is to give you ideas when you are trying to decide where to go on day ride.   

The Mississippi Blues trail is another quest we are doing and we have stickers for these as well.

Dining Destinations

Great Rides

MS587 to Red Bluff

Great Parks


Events and Stuff

July 12-15 Choctaw Indian Fair in Choctaw, MS

July 14-15 Watermelon Festival in Mize, MS

July 15 Delta Soule Picnic Festival in Greenville, MS

July 21-28 Neshoba County Fair in Philadelphia, MS

July 28-29 Natchez Food And Wine Festival in Natchez, MS

Barber Vintage Festival in Birmingham AL. A MUST DO on October 7, 2023 (this is not a meeting day)

Cruising the Coast the week of Oct 1 through 8, 2023

Christmas Eve Bon Fire on the Levee, LaPlace, LA. Christmas Eve every year. Fantastic time.

yes, I need to arrange but.. here is more

July 12-15 Choctaw Indian Fair in Choctaw, MS

July 14-15 Watermelon Festival in Mize, MS

July 15 Delta Soule Picnic Festival in Greenville, MS

July 21-28 Neshoba County Fair in Philadelphia, MS

July 28-29 Natchez Food And Wine Festival in Natchez, MS

Is there a place on our web page for stuff like this?

One More:

Mighty Roots Music Festival -9/22 and 23/23 at Stovall Farms outside of Clarksdale, MS

10/1/23-10/8/23- Cruisin’ the Coast

10/7/23 Natchez Fall Pilgramage Tour

10/20-21/23 Natchez Balloon Festival

10/28/23 Magee Crazy Day Fall Festival, Magee, MS

10/28/23 Great Delta Bear Affair, Rolling Fork, MS